You don't need to be a freegan to think this is a fantastic deal, but someone on craigslist posted thisadvertisment for a free used witch broom in New Hamshire. Ad text follows:
You don't need to be a freegan to think this is a fantastic deal, but someone on craigslist posted this advertisment for a free used witch broom in New Hamshire. Ad text follows:
FREE, the perfect ride for your mother in law or for some of you-your wife. I have only one available and cannot hold. This will be a first come-first serve basis. Great gas mileage, very little use, was parked most of the year under cover and only taken out in the cool month of October. Does not burn oil or leak fluids. No dents or even road blasting, everything works as it should, divorce forces placement. My loss is your gain! Happy halloween!
Worth it for the ad alone.......