Monday, November 21, 2011

The Eyes Have It....

This year I tried using florist gel (Tropical Ice).  It comes in crystal bits, add water, and it grows into gelantinous random sized chunks.  The colors are limited (red, purple, green, blue, yellow,  clear) but can be layered.  I love the way it keeps eyeballs, cockroaches, fingers, etc. suspended.  I used a chopstick to poke whatever into position...and it stayed!  I did try an experiment using food coloring and that actually worked okay.  The food coloring only went so far down and then stopped.  I have a few ideas that I'd like to experiment with this coming year.  I'll keep you posted....
BTW ~ in the second photo the fake rubbery green bean things absorbed the purple dye.  As did the glow in the dark snake things I added.  Weird....


  1. what a cool idea! I gotta' remember this one for next year. thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey there! Thanks for following my blog. :) I've been paging through your photos, and there's some great stuff here! I love those wine bottles in the little coffins and the headless horseman is too creepy! I can tell I'm going to like your blog!
